North Yorkshire County Council


Richmond (Yorks) Area Constituency Committee


Minutes of the remote meeting held on Monday, 12th June, 2023 commencing at 10.00 am.


Councillor Yvonne Peacock in the Chair plus Councillors Alyson Baker, Caroline Dickinson, Kevin Foster, Bryn Griffiths, Carl Les, Heather Moorhouse, Karin Sedgwick, Angus Thompson, Steve Watson, David Webster, John Weighell OBE, Annabel Wilkinson, Peter Wilkinson and Malcolm Warne.


In attendance: Councillor George Jabbour.


Officers present: Daniel Harry, Andy Clarke, Emily Mellalieu and Sarah Holbird.


Other Attendees: Stuart Minting and 1 member of the public.


Apologies: Councillor Tom Jones.



Copies of all documents considered are in the Minute Book





Election of a Chair


Sarah Holbird, Democratic Services Officer for North Yorkshire Council welcomed everyone to the meeting and stated that as this was the first meeting of the Committee following the Annual Meeting of 2023, the first item of business would be the election of a Chair.


Councillor Yvonne Peacock was nominated and seconded for the position of Chair. There were no further nominations, so following a show of hands Councillor Yvonne Peacock was elected as Chair of the Committee.


Resolved –


That Councillor Yvonne Peacock be appointed Chair, to serve until the first meeting of the Committee following the Annual Meeting in May 2024.






Minutes of the Meeting held on 22 March 2023




That the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 March 2023, be taken as read and confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.






Election of Vice-Chair


The Chair invited nominations for the Vice-Chair of the Committee, to serve until the first meeting of the Committee following the Annual Meeting of the Council in 2024.


Councillor Caroline Dickinson was nominated and seconded for the position of Vice-Chair. There were no further nominations, so following a show of hands Councillor Caroline Dickinson was elected as Vice-Chair of the Committee.


Resolved –


That Councillor Caroline Dickinson be appointed as Vice-Chair, to serve until the first meeting of the Committee following the Annual Meeting of the Council in 2024.







Apologies for Absence


Councillor Tom Jones’ apologies were noted.







Declarations of Interest


Councillor Yvonne Peacock declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to Item 9 – Yorbus Pilot Project Update (Minute 43 refers) as a director of the Upper Dales Community Partnership which operates a community bus service.







Public Participation


There were no public questions or statements.







Area Constituency Committees in the new North Yorkshire Council


Considered – A report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) which provided a guide to the ways of working for the Area Constituency Committees. The Committee were advised that the committees’ terms of reference and ways of working had been developed following consultation with the Area Constituency Committee chairs and senior officers.


Members attention was specifically drawn to the following areas:


·         The introduction of Mid-Cycle Briefings with the chair, vice-chairs and group spokes to develop the work programme.

·         The need for any local scrutiny to be co-ordinated with the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committees to ensure no conflict or duplication.

·         That the Committee has a range of options available to it to make recommendations on reports brought before it.

·         £50,000 seed funding is available to each Area Constituency Committee to support local projects. The details of framework are being reviewed but recommendations on its allocation will be via the Corporate Director of Community Development. The process will need to be robust and open to scrutiny and challenge.

·         The various sets of police and community safety data that was received by the former Districts is being reviewed to be standardised.


Resolved –


That the report be noted.








Update on Delivery of North Yorkshire Flood Risk Strategy (2022-2027)


Considered –


A report of the Corporate Director of Environment which provided details of the on-going work associated with the delivery of the North Yorkshire Flood Risk Strategy (2022-2027).


Emily Mellalieu introduced the report and outlined the main points. The strategy incorporates the knowledge gained during the period of the first strategy which was a success, therefore the strategy review was only light touch with very similar objectives – prevention of risk; protection from risk; preparing for risk and recovery and review of risk.


Members were advised that the current priority area was not within the Richmond (Yorks) Constituency. In relation to the Dales Villages Project, property resilience has been identified as an option for most communities but there have been delays with the procurement process with progress expected next year.


A considerable amount of time is taken up undertaking the statutory consultee role with SuDS approval being incorporated within this role for all planning applications from 2024.


A debate followed with the below key points being discussed and questions raised:


·       Over time bridges are structurally damaged by flooding with repairs being costly and any bridge closures having a major impact on local areas.

·       Prevention is key and it’s important that all agencies work together in a collaborative manner.

·       Responsibility for reviewing flood zones in relation to the Planning process. It was confirmed that this lies with the Environment Agency, with North Yorkshire as the Lead Local Flood Authority being a statutory consultee for surface water flooding.

·       Mitigation opportunities so water is released slowing into rivers to reduce the risk of flooding.

The impact of the geography on flooding in certain areas and the loss of absorbent land.

·       The success of the Kirbymoorside community event and what uptake there had been on the offers of support. Officers advised that the majority of the 150 eligible properties had signed up for support, with many open to using preventative products.

·       The purpose of a Section 19 report following a flood event and the engagement with local communities in there preparation.

·       The renewal of the flood defence scheme at Stokesley.


Resolved –


That the update be noted.






Yorbus Pilot Project Update


Considered –


A report from Andy Clarke, Public and Community Transport Manager which provided an update on the YorBus pilot Digital Demand Responsive Bus Service which will end on 30 June 2023.


The service has been providing an on-demand bus service connecting Ripon, Masham, Bedale and surrounding villages. The pilot was extended for a year and a pre-booking system introduced 24 hours ahead, however this did not increase its use. The per person costs are considerably higher for the project when compared with scheduled services as it is difficult to get people all going in the same direction. Similar schemes across the country are encountering similar issues.


All funding bids to try and maintain the service have been unsuccessful. A detailed communication plan has been implemented to make residents aware the pilot is ceasing.


There was general disappointment on the outcome of the pilot and the failure of the funding bids, in particular the unsuccessful application to the rural mobility fund.


In the debate that followed Members highlighted the Let’s Talk Transport consultation that was taking place and that participation should be encouraged to fully identify issues and inform work going forward. 


Resolved –


That the update be noted.






Road Closures in Hawes


The Chair, Councillor Yvonne Peacock advised of a specific issue encountered in Hawes during a recent road closure undertaken on behalf of Yorkshire Water. The timings of temporary traffic lights were not adequate for the layout of the road, with a number of vehicles ending up bonnet to bonnet. Lorries, tankers, motorhomes and cars had to reverse along narrow twisting roads posing considerable danger. Several vehicles mounted very narrow pavements to be able to pass each other. The Committee were shown sections of CCTV provided by a local shop which showed examples of the issues.


During debate it became apparent that there were a number of issues across the County connected to service providers and their subcontractors while undertaking works on the highways and this formed part of a wider issue.


Resolved –


(a)  That Yorkshire Water and their subcontract by requested to attend a Special Meeting of the Committee.


(b)  That details of the statutory requirements imposed on utility companies when undertaking works on the highway be provided to the Committee.






Appointments to Outside Bodies


Considered – A report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) which invited the committee to appoint the Council’s representatives on the outside bodies listed in the report. Daniel Harry, Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager, informed Members that it was proposed to review all outside body appointments.


Members advised that the Safer Hambleton Steering Group for Community Safety and the Safer Richmondshire Community Safety Local Delivery Team no longer existed. It was also queried if Hambleton Community Action was still operating and Officers were asked to make enquiries.




(a)       That the following Members be appointed to serve until the Council elections in 2027 on the Category 2 outside bodies as listed below:


Hambleton Community Action

Councillor Caroline Dickinson

Hambleton Over 50’s Forum

Councillor Caroline Dickinson

Hartlepool Power Station Local Community Liaison Council

Councillor Heather Moorhouse

Richmondshire Leisure Trust Board

Councillor Kevin Foster

National Park Management Plan Steering Group – Yorkshire Dales

Councillor Yvonne Peacock

Sub: Councillor Karin Sedgwick

Safer Hambleton Steering Group for Community Safety

No longer exists.

Safer Richmondshire Community Safety Local Delivery Team

No longer exists.


(b)       That the following Members be appointed to the Category 3 outside bodies as listed below, with the relevant division Member for the appointments still showing as vacant to give consideration to making nominations:


Appleton Wiske Educational Foundation

David Hugill

Atkinson and Clarke Educational Foundation (Newton-le-Willows/Patrick Brompton)


Bellerby School Foundation

Mrs E Scott

Castle Bolton and Redmire Education Foundation

Mr D Morton

Elizabeth Barnett Charity (East Witton)

Councillor Clive Pearson

Horsehouse School Charity (Carlton Highdale)

Roger Harrison-Topham

John Dakyn Trust, East Cowton Fund

H Dudman

John Dakyn’s Educational Charity at Kirby Hill

Councillor Angus Thompson

Mr Brian Kay

Olive and Norman Field Charity


Preston Education Foundation (Stokesley)

S Robertson

Dr S B Tawse


Prowde’s Educational Charity

The Lord Crathorne KCVO

Rev Michael Sydall Educational Foundation (Catterick)

Councillor Carl Les

Richmond School Trust

Mrs J Walker

Councillor Stuart Parsons

Vacancy x 2

William Cockin Educational Foundation (Melsonby)

Councillor Angus Thompson

Yorebridge Education Foundation

Mr J Hodgson

Mr M Fleming

Mr M Teasdale

Councillor Yvonne Peacock

Ross Cadman


(c)       That the following Member appointments made by the former District Councils be ratified and continue as a North Yorkshire Councillor appointment:


Maple Park Limited Liability Partnership

Councillor Steve Watson

Stokesley and District Community Care Association (Trustee)

Councillor Bridget Fortune


(d)       That a review of outside bodies take place within the next 12 months.






Work Programme


Considered – A report presenting the committee’s 2023-24 work programme.


The Chairman introduced the Work Programme and invited Members to consider, amend and add to the Work Programme.


Members suggested the following items for the work programme:


·         The different approaches to car parking across the Constituency area and the variations in the charges. The issue was raised due to the ongoing parking problems in Leyburn Town Centre.

·         A presentation on the successful Catterick Levelling Up bid.

·         Ambulance times.

·         How the former districts work on the vibrancy of market towns is continuing, which includes transport and visitor economy.


Resolved –


That the work programme be noted and the agreed additions included.






Any Other Items


There were no other items of business.





The meeting concluded at 11.55 am.




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